The real estate firm’s CEO told WSJ reporter Arian Campo-Flores about Native’s first day back at the office as Fort Lauderdale began its first phase of reopening businesses. Campo-Flores shared on-the-ground insights from the city as part of a broader story about reopenings happening throughout the nation.
America Is Reopening for Summer, and Tensions Are High
There’s a growing divide between those celebrating the end of restrictions and those fearful of Covid-19’s re-emergence
“Fort Lauderdale real-estate company Native Realty opened its office on Monday with new protocols: Its eight employees must wear masks, visitors get temperature checks, and desks are spaced at least 6 feet apart and equipped with bottles of hand sanitizer. When they gathered in a conference room for a morning meeting, staffers discovered a problem. Many had brought coffee but they couldn’t take a sip without removing their masks, which would violate social-distancing guidelines. So they drank their coffees cold at their desks later.”
“Everyone wants to get back to business, but you have to do it in an appropriate manner,” said Native Realty Chief Executive Jaime Sturgis, 31.”
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